For all Men: Andropause Epidemic

In clinic experience as well as updated research shows that men these days have testosterone levels and sperm counts half of that seen in men the same age, just one to two generations ago. Additionally, men are becoming more obese than ever, have an alarming rate of suicide and, despite lower testosterone levels, the incidence of prostate cancer is higher than in their father's generation.
These low testosterone levels in men are linked to widespread mobility, including sexual dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, cognitive decline, mood disorders and substance abuse. This hypogonadal state can impact a man's health, work, relationship and intimacy, causing a ripple effect through his family, friends and colleagues.
Correcting hypogonadism and improving men's health is best achieved by understanding the actual levels of your active testosterone and cortisol through saliva testing. With these results we then carefully blend herbal tonic as well as dietary changes to support the bodies requirements to achieve balance.

Learn the Natural Medicine approach of re-balancing your hormonals in your consultation with Naturopath Lisa Fiocchini.
08 8373 3337
88 King William Road
Lisa Fiocchini ND. RN. Cardiac